Tuesday 6 November 2012

Kudos from Colorado

My recent actions taking home the late hatched ducklings, has been lauded by some and not all local either. One of my viewers, who also happens to be a volunteer bird rehab helper, sent me the following email regarding the ducklings - extracts here:    Great job rescuing the ducklings and giving them a chance of survival. Probably the only batch for this year that you have helped survive in your neck of the woods. I totally agree with your actions. I volunteer with a Wild Bird Rehabbing Center in Denver.  We get variety of injured birds, baby birds that fall out of the nests, ducklings, goslings, pelicans, great blue herons, and even a swan one time, mostly wild but also domesticated birds.  We provide rehabilitation for all injured birds including medical, therapy as well as nutritional support. When they have been rehabilitated and are ready to go, we release them to the wild – usually end of summer, or if domesticated, we find homes for them, exactly what you do just on a slightly bigger scale.
Enjoy the rescued ducklings, hope you have a source that will provide you with a good and high in protein scratch to feed them, with and to make them grow fast and be strong. At the WILD Bird we use duck mash which we mix with water to make it mushy + plenty of fresh water to drink and swim. And they love the lettuce. When getting much bigger they might also love those red wigglers – full of protein snacks.
My American email friend was recently involved with the rescue of a Goose which had been shot with an arrow, details and amazing Vet video can be seen on this link. 
It's nice to see a good outcome whether on this side of the pond or the other !

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