Sunday 14 February 2010

Swan Pen Chills Out

A tranquil calm permeated the riverside today, and the Pen chilled out in the harbour.

She was having a well earned sleep in the middle of the harbour, haven't seen her this relaxed since before the cygnets were hatched.

The cygnets hatched on the 12th of may and left on the 12th of february - nine months old to the day.

It wont be that long before the pen starts nest building again, and I got a short vid of them getting in the mood today. (see below)

No news on the Goose am afraid, I have walked through fishertown several times, using a goose call and had the binoculars today looking along the shore. Mind you several flights of geese have come in near the swimming baths over the last couple of days maybe brought in by the goose calling ! I can only hope it made it safely back to the water.

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